Clean Hydrogen Partnership - Calls 31/05/2022, 20/09/2022

Please find for your use update information on the Clean Hydrogen Partnership initiative and on the new calls for proposals in Horizon Europe programme under the CH JU.


About the Partnership

The Clean Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (JU) is a unique public private partnership supporting research and innovation (R& I) activities in hydrogen technologies in Europe. To find out more, please check: Who We Are.

CH JU begins in October 2002 with the High Level Group on Hydrogen, when Romano Prodi and former European Commissioners Loyola de Palacio and Philippe Busquin laid the grounds for the creation of a public-private partnership. To reach out CH JU, check: Our Story

The Clean Hydrogen JU will contribute to the European climate neutrality goal by producing noticeable, quantifiable results towards the development and scaling up of hydrogen applications (Mission & Objectives).

On 25 February 2022, the Governing Board of the Clean Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (JU) adopted the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) for the period 2021-2027 of the JU. To find out more: check: Programmes

The three members of the JU are the European Commission, Hydrogen Europe and Hydrogen Europe Research (Organisation)

Founding Regulation and Legal Documents, Multi-Annual Work Plan, Annual Work Plans, Budget and Annual Accounts, In-Kind Additional Activities, Governing Board Decisions, Interim Evaluation Reports, Rules for Conflict of Interest… (Key documents)


Thematic groups:

Calls conditions and support activities


  • 31/05/2022
  • 20/09/2022

Presentations from Open Days: