Advanced lectures
Advanced lectures are designed for the listeners with some knowledge of physics and specified interests.
The lectures are usually delivered in Polish. The presentations often use typed text and the ready presentations are in Polish. We can therefore deliver „talk is in English but presentations are in Polish”-type lectures at short notice.
We offer advanced level lectures on the following subjects:
From 2d X-ray pictures of Conrad Roentgen to nuclear medicine – medicine has been the driving force in at least some developments of the radiation technology. We present some of the results.
Duration of the lecture - 45 min
The word „radiation” is scary (for some at least). And it does „attack” the cells. In this lecture the mechanisms of interaction and the problems for the cells following this interaction are discussed. However tissue is more than a set of cells, and organism is more than some lumps of tissue put together. In large doses the radiation can be harmful (and that is how radiotherapy Was born), but this is not necessarily the case for small doses.
Duration of the lecture - 45 min
We present the non-medical applications of ionising radiation.
Duration of the lecture - 45 min
To our eyes quantum physics seems to be madness: everything is both wave and particle, Schrödinger’s cat is part dead and part alive etc. But the quantum physics with its wave equations and probabilistic worldview works. We discuss some aspects, some interpretations and some confirmations of this „strange” theory.
Duration of the lecture - 45 min
Accelerator technologies in the nutshell.
Duration of the lecture - 45 min
It is often said that we don’t see the ionising radiation. It is true, but we can register it (or the results of its interaction with matter) with surprising efficiency and precision. The processes, methods and devices that detect the ionising radiation are presented in this talk.
Duration of the lecture - 45 min
With the support of ZUOP an exhibition about low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste Was created. Where it comes from, what is its form, and what is done with it in Poland – all those issues are presented. Note that the spent nuclear fuel problem is not shown here, but it may be discussed lecture-like.
Duration of the lecture - 45 min
For the prices and maximum size of the listening groups please consult the price list. The price does not depend on the language used.